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Thankful for that Milam County spirit

This last week has seen some harsh weather indeed. Thankfully, we were spared the precipitation that has made the cold weather unbearable and flat out dangerous in recent years, but all the same it was pretty miserable out there. Some jobs don’t take a break, even when the weather is far below zero.  This week was yet another reminder of that.

For instance, anyone with livestock can attest to the harshness of the outdoors as they worked their animals keeping them fed and watered while trying the best they can to stay as warm as possible.  

The nurse and I only have 12 goats right now, but that was enough to make us both take note of improvements we need to make as we continue to grow our herd. Thankfully we invested in some cameras this year so we could keep a closer eye on them.

One thing most of us take for granted is the ease with which we can resupply our homes on a daily basis. And while most people go and get supplies to meet their needs during a bit of foul weather, there always seems to be something that gets forgotten or an unforeseen need that pops up. During the cold weather those needs are still there and those who work in retail sales are there to fill those needs as well. They’ll get out there and make sure we have access to the supplies we need. 

With the nasty weather there are always folks repairing utilities along with the road and bridge crews that are out there ensuring our safety, keeping the power on, the water flowing, and keeping the roads and bridges safe and cleared just to name a few. They are consistently out there working for us when we need them and, in the elements that we have no desire to be in. Many times, these folks are doing the work most of us don’t want to do, but when the weather’s bad that work is even more emphasized.

With the freezing weather there are also warming stations that are needed. As the County Judge, I am always happy and thankful for the facilities that stand up and work with us to provide those warming stations. Providing a safe and warm facility for those in need is one of the finest things we can do for our neighbors. This last week, Street Ministries in Rockdale and Grace Church in Cameron stepped up and helped out where it was needed, and I am so thankful for their help. 

Lastly, we often take for granted that help will be there when we call for emergency services. This last week is another example of how fortunate we are to have the dedicated first responders we have here in Milam County. Whether they are law enforcement, fire department, or Emergency Medical personnel, we are indeed blessed with some hard working, dedicated folks. 

On a daily basis, these folks are out there protecting the public, when the weather’s bad they consistently step up and continue that work, regardless of their own comfort. I appreciate them so much and thank them all for their service, their dedication, and their unselfish service to our community.

There are many times as the County Judge when I am faced with some pretty grim realities; however, the service shown by the people of Milam County, and the spirit of Milam County is amazing and makes me very happy to call Milam County my home, and to count the people of Milam County as my neighbors and my friends. 

Thank you all for your service.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671