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39th annual Central Texas Cow/Calf Clinic set for Jan. 9 in Cameron

The 39th Annual Central Texas Cow/Calf Clinic will be held Thursday, Jan. 9, at the Milam County Youth Exposition Building, 301 S. Houston Street in Cameron. 

This program is presented by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension of Milam, Robertson, Bell, Burleson, Falls and Williamson Counties. 

Registration is from 7-8 a.m. with the presentations starting at 8 a.m. and concluding at 2:30 p.m. Three hours of General CEUs will be given for Pesticide Applicators License holders. 

Please RSVP with the Milam County Extension Office at (254) 697-7045 for a meal count by Monday, Jan. 6. Cost is $20.

With each passing year Central Texas cattlemen face their fair share of challenges, whether it be unfavorable climate conditions to invading pest or low market situations. 

Looking back at 2018 and the massive drought that producers faced, in contrast, 2019’s weather conditions has been relatively mild. Spring and early summer came and went with a lot of rainfall followed by a dry July, August and September, leading into a fall that brought early freezing temperatures and more moisture. 

The big question on everyone’s mind seems to be low cattle prices that seemed to follow throughout the year. Cattlemen in Central Texas are no stranger to hardships. Whether it’s unfavorable weather conditions, bear market prices, or dealing with unwelcome pests, they seem to find a way to make it work.

For 39 years the Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic has made it a point to provide beef producers with the most relevant and up to date information, technologies, and management practices available.

Topics for this year’s program will include Dr. Jason Johnson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Economist discussing current market trends as well as predictions and considerations for the upcoming 2020 year. 

A discussion on Winter/Spring Supplementation and Nutrition Requirements will be given by Dr. Jason Cleere, TAMU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. The focus of this discussion will be to assist producers in managing cost and effectively calculate cattle nutrition. 

Following Dr. Cleere’s presentation will be Ms. Ginger Bosse, CPA for Seidel & Schroeder discussing Estate Planning and Inner Generational Land Transfer. Property ownership, taxes, estate planning, and successful transfer of your land from one generation to the next are important things to consider for landowners and cattlemen both large and small. 

After lunch, a live demonstration on Recognizing and Avoiding Calving Difficulty will be given by Dr. Joe Paschal, Professor and Extension Livestock Specialist and Dr. Thomas Hairgrove D.V.M. Associate Professor and Extension Specialist for Texas A&M University. The demonstration will include successful calving techniques, necessary equipment, examining the cow, caring for the calf, and when to make the decision to intervein.

Wrapping up this year’s clinic will be Dr. Robert Wells, Professional Animal Scientist and Livestock Consultant from the Noble Research Institute. Dr. Wells will be discussing Integrity Beef “a new level of excellence in cattle production.” The Integrity Beef program simplifies cow-calf producer management decisions and increases the marketability of calves through the production of high quality, uniform, preconditioned cattle. It is a comprehensive beef production system that produces the highest quality calves possible for the next supply chain owner and consumer while improving returns for ranchers through value-added traits and remaining sustainable.

The Central Texas Cow/Calf Clinic is one of the longest-running Extension programs in the State. It is known for its success in meeting the needs of cattle producers both large and small in Central Texas. We expect to have another great turn out and hope you will join us again this year. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
P.O. Box 1230
Cameron, Texas 76520

Phone: 254-697-6671