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Commissioners extend Shelter in Place until May 4

Milam County will remain under a Shelter in Place order through May 4.

During an emergency meeting of Milam County Commissioners on Monday, April 6, the court voted unanimously to extend Shelter in Place orders through May 4.

The orders have already been in place for nearly two weeks in an effort to slow or stop the spread of COVID-19. 

So far, there have been three cases of COVID-19 in Milam County. The Milam County Health Department has finished all investigations into these cases and if you had contact with any of the people you should have been contacted by them.

Per the new orders: residents must shelter in place and maintain social distancing when possible, businesses deemed non-essential must close, public and private gatherings of any number of people outside of a household or living unit are prohibited, non-essential travel is prohibited, a curfew is in place for those 18 and under from 9 p.m. until 8 a.m. unless accompanied by parent or guardian or lawfully working, and public and private schools will remain closed. All courts are also closed until further notice, though these orders will not alter, amend, or change child custody in any way. This means visitation orders remain in force unless agreed by the parties or modifications are made by court order. 

Exemptions to these orders include essential activities defined as: tasks for health and safety to the family or household, obtaining medical supplies and medication, obtaining services or supplies for the family or household (such as groceries, etc.), engaging in outdoor activity such as walking or bike riding, performing work deemed essential, or caring for family members or pets in another household. 

Exemptions to these orders include essential businesses defined as: healthcare operations, emergency services; grocery stores; farmers markets; convenience stores; food banks; food cultivation such as farming or livestock; businesses that provide food, shelter, and services to the economically disadvantaged; newspapers, TV, radio, and media; gas stations; auto-supply, auto-repair and related facilities; banks and financial institutions; hardware and construction supplies; plumbers, electricians, and exterminators; businesses providing mail services; laundromats and dry cleaners; restaurants and food industry that are drive-through, pick-up, or delivery only; business suppliers; businesses that ship or deliver groceries and goods; taxis and private transportation providers related to essential activity; home based care for seniors, adults, and children; residential facilities and shelters for seniors, adults, or children; professional and legal services; childcare facilities abiding by certain restrictions; utilities and telecommunications; trash collection; janitorial, cleaning, and maintenance services; funeral industry; defense industry; space and technology industry; tech support; science research; maintenance and construction of communication infrastructure; engineers, technicians, and personnel responsible for infrastructure construction and restoration; office personnel to maintain central offices, data centers, and network facilities; data centers; engineers, IT personnel, and software engineers; and religious services performed at healthcare operations. 

Essential travel is defined as being related to essential activities or functions.

The Cameron Herald

The Cameron Herald
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