Community Thanksgiving Service planned for Nov. 20
Thanksgiving is a unique celebration reserved for Americans. True, other countries may have special days for the founding of their land but America chooses to honor God and remembering the sacrifices of those who helped shape our Country starting with the Pilgrims whom by the grace of God were able to flee from religious persecutions and overcome many obstacles which allowed us the freedom we have today to Praise God and worship as we choose.
Sunday night, Nov. 20, the community of Cameron has the opportunity to come together and worship God.
Yes, in this land of the free and brave we choose to gather with people from all over this community no matter which Church they attend or don’t attend. Sunday night at 6 p.m. Cameron will come and worship during the Cameron Area Ministers Association’s (CAMA) annual Thanksgiving Service.
The service will be held at Holy Ground Baptist Church, 802 South College, starting at 6 p.m.
On the program, area Ministers will conduct the service and music will be lead by New Vision Praise Team. The message this year will be given by Rev. Mark Porterfield from the First Methodist Church of Cameron.
An offering will be taken to help the Cameron Area Ministers Association (CAMA) with the Baccalaureate Service and other community needs. Plus if you would like to bring canned goods for the Thrift Shop a representative will be at the door to take your donation.
After the Thanksgiving Service the area Churches will be providing desserts for a time of fellowship.
Ephesians 4:3 KJV says: “Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Unity in Christ is what CAMA is praying for. Unity in our community is possible no matter which Church people attend and it can happen due to belief in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Please, if your Church meets on Sunday night move your service over to Holy Ground Baptist Church for a night of coming together to give Thanks to God at the CAMA Thanksgiving Service starting at 6 p.m. and stay for the fellowship afterward. For more information, contact Alan Wood at (254) 482-0307.