Sheriff’s Office kicks off annual Brown Santa drive
Milam County Sheriff’s Office is getting ready to host its 10th Annual Brown Santa Program starting Nov. 15.
Milam County Sheriff’s Office is taking application for those Milam County residences that would like to take advantage of the Brown Santa program. Please bring a Medicaid card or a WIC cards with the child(s) name on it, a current utility bILL, a birth certificate for kids not in school. Kid’s that are in school must present a current report card/progress report. A parent/guardian must have a valid Texas ID.
Applications can be picked up at the Milam County Sheriff’s Office starting Nov. 15. The last day applications will be accepted is Dec. 12.
Pickup and delivery will be on Dec. 19 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone interested in donating new, unwrapped toys can bring them to the Sheriff’s Office.
The Sheriff’s Office would like to thank Milam County for taking time to support our county during these difficult times, your love and support is greatly appreciated.
A Brown Santa account has been set up for monetary donations at Classic Bank. You can also mail in monetary donation to: Attention: Brown Santa/ Wynema Adams, 512 North Jefferson Suite A, Cameron, TX 76520
You can bring new unwrapped toys to the Sheriff’s Office at 512 N. Jefferson in Cameron and ask for Mrs. Adams.
The only drop location for toys will be at the Milam County Sheriff’s Office.