2020 Yoemen Track
Mon, 06/15/2020 - 11:11am
The 2020 spring sports season came to an abrupt end in early March. The Herald would like to take the time to recognize our spring athletes over the next few weeks. The member of the 2020 Yoemen Track Team were: front row left to right, Billy Collier, Patrick Elmore, Tate Stroud, Javon Gouldsby, Jayden Sanchez, Robert Lara, Trayjen Wilcox, Ja’Qualyn Fields, Ahmad Braziel, Henry Hubnik; back row left to right, Dominick Rangel, Dylan Smith, Karsen Galvan, Phaibian Bynaum, Brent Wright, Kolton Deal, Kobe Young, Javalan Fisher, Za’Korien Spikes, Zane Zeinert, Matthew Barron, Christian Leneud, Ke’Vaugn Booze.