2020 Homecoming Court
Thu, 09/24/2020 - 9:09am
The 2020 Homecoming Queen will be crowned Friday night during the football game with Caldwell. Senior candidates for this year are Ty’esha Miller, Kayla Whitmire, Alison Willoughby,, Alexys Sanchez and Emily Torres. Freshmen Duchess is Jaycee Wimmer, Sophomore Duchess is Sydni Smith and Junior Duchess is Shawn Bernard. Pictured top row, from left, are Ty’esha Miller, Sydni Smith, Kayla Whitmire and Allison Willoughby; bottom row, from left, Alexys Sanchez, Jaycee Wimmer, Shawn Bernard and Emily Torres. Game time is 7:30 p.m. at Yoe Field.