JUDGE: Better, faster broadband in Milam County
Milam County has partnered with Connected Nation Texas to bring better, faster broad band service to Milam County.
Milam County is the 11th community selected as part of a statewide effort led by Connected Nation Texas (CN Texas) and funded by the Texas Rural Funders - at no cost to the county. We want to expand and improve high-speed internet access for all county residents, businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, and community organizations across the county. In order to do so, we need your help.
Step one of the process is to determine what types of service we have in the County. Thus, we ask that you complete a short on-line survey to find out. The survey is key to ensure we are developing a plan that accurately reflects the unique challenges and opportunities for expanding access and improving speeds across the County. We have only completed 22 percent of the needed 1,646 surveys. The survey takes only a few minutes and it is simply essential to getting the high-speed service you want.
Simply go to https://myconnectedcommunity.org/milam-county and take the short survey.
We will have a special meeting on Dec. 8 beginning at 10 a.m. This will be for anyone who has an interest in this important project as we will all learn more about what is already here and what improvements we can make.
This is a virtual meeting which can be attended by using the link below: https://zoom.us/j/99541173478?pwd=b1FBM0NUdGpBT1NzZHdKeVRuNFMxZz09
In total, 27 Texas communities will be fully funded to take part in the Connected Community Engagement program, which was developed by national nonprofit Connected Nation, the parent company of CN Texas. It has been used to help more than 350 communities nationwide.
Funding will be a priority in the upcoming Texas Legislature and we must make sure our County does not miss out. So please, help us and help yourself by taking a few minutes to complete the survey and participate in the Dec. 8 meeting.