Thorndale ISD approves budget, lower tax rate
Thorndale ISD passed its budget and tax rate on Aug. 22.
TISD Business Manager Rebecca Peel presented the full budget to the board in the amount of $8,162,236. She clarified that this would be a balanced budget. The board voted 7-0 to approve the 2022-23 budget.
The next financial item on the agenda was to approve the tax rate for the 2022-23 school year.
Peel stated that the tax rate had been set by the comptroller at $0.9429 per one hundred dollars of valuation. This was a decrease from the prior years rate $0.96. The board voted 7-0 to adopt the new tax rate for the 2022-23 school year.
President David Hall called the meeting to order and led the audience in the pledges to the US and Texas flags and the invocation was given by Scott Frei. Board members present were Mr. Hall, Dean Betak, Kirk Becker, Ann Glenn, Kimberly Biar, and Adam Fisher. Chad Martinka arrived shortly after the meeting started.
Two community members spoke during the public forum.
Up first were administrative reports. Elementary Principal Michael Young talked about using vertical alignment teams to build cohesion between grade level instruction in core areas. He also talked about using student data to close learning gaps and pinpoint instruction.
Young answered a question concerning state mandated intervention hours that were completed during the summer.
Middle School Principal Scott Frei talked about several items including STAAR scores and accountability. He talked about safety improvements and how safety drill will be conducted this year using the RAPTOR app. He also shared statements from several staff members talking about how they were excited about the new programs on campus and how they were positively impacting students on a daily basis.
High School Principal Jennifer Parnham informed the board that the year was off to a great start. She said that she would be completing her beginning of year student assemblies on Tuesday and that students were doing a great job with new rules and guidelines. Parnham also states that she was very proud of her staff and their work to get ready for the new year.
Superintendent Adam Ivy talked about the recent accountability ratings. He stated that the district had seen growth in many tested areas but that they still had some work to do in bringing the accountability ratings up.
He also informed the board that the Texas Association of School Officials had released a new policy that institutes a “3 Strike” policy. This policy would mean that any district that has three instances of abuse of an official by coaches, players or fans would no longer have officials to call their games.
Ivy finished by talking about the new safety procedures and new state safety audits that will be conducted this year. He said that there had been law enforcement on campus regularly and that all doors are getting checked on a very regular basis to ensure that they are closed, locked and functioning properly.
The consent agenda was up next and was approved without any questions for clarification. Business manager Rebecca Peel brought the first of several finance items to the board. She reviewed the district’s investment policy and asked the board to designate herself and Ivy as investment officers. The board voted 7-0 to approve this.
She then asked the board to approve the Compensatory Education of $420,000. The board voted 7-0 to approve the comp ed budget.
Ivy asked the board to approve a resolution to grant adjunct faculty status and extracurricular consideration for the Milam County AgriLife extension agents. Ivy explained that this was something the board does annually to allow 4-H participants to participate in events. The board voted 7-0 to approve this resolution.
Ivy also asked the board to approve an MOU with St Paul’s school to provide band instruction to middle school students. The board voted 6-0 to approve this MOU with one member abstaining from the vote.