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TISD board discusses field house additions, technology grant

On Monday, Dec. 12, Thorndale ISD held its regularly scheduled meeting and a public hearing.

The special meeting was called to present the district’s Financial Integrity rating.  Business Manager Rebecca Peel reported that the district had achieved a 100 percent for the sixth straight year.  

The board complemented Peel and her staff for this achievement and the special meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.  

The regular meeting was convened at 6:07 p.m.  During administrative reports Elementary Principal Michael Young started by distributing interim testing data. He talked to the board about the improvements that have been made, especially on the third and fourth grade tests. He also talked about the plan they have in place to address the needs shown by the testing. 

Middle School Principal Scott Frei also talked about the interim testing data and how his staff is using the data to form small groups designed to address students’ individual needs.  

High School Principal Jennifer Parnham also talked about their recent interim testing data and how they are using that data to target specific student needs and plan for instruction and intervention. 

Technology Director Deby Leschber and Instructional Technologist Lindsay Franklin informed the board that they are nearly complete with the plan to update all Elementary Chromebooks and IPADs.  They also talked about Franklin’s excellent work with the district’s community involvement program.  

Superintendent Adam Ivy also informed the board that the district had received an $80,000 grant to complete an LED lighting upgrade across the district.

Board President David Hall presented the consent agenda and approved it with no questions.

Ivy asked the board to approve the purchase of two new buses to replace a 2003 and 2006 model. He explained that the district had received a grant for approximately $130,000 that would cover half of the cost for the buses. The board voted 6-0 to approve the purchase. 

Up next, Ivy asked the board to approve the purchase of a cargo trailer that would be outfitted to be able to carry all of the band’s equipment for away games and competitions.  

He explained that the current trailer was no longer large enough due to band growth and the expansion of the electronic equipment that is used.  He also stated that this trailer would be used for other district purposes as needed. The board voted 6-0 to approve the purchase.

Ivy also asked the board to consider the purchase of a one-ton pickup truck that would be capable of pulling the new trailer as well as the FFA trailer.  The board approved the purchase of the truck with a vote of 6-0. 

The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a waiver for the summer child nutrition program.  Food Service Director Jeni Anders, talked to the board about the local options for summer meal programs and that the turnout for meal programs in Thorndale had been very low in the past.  The board voted 6-0 to recommend to the School Health Advisory Committee to apply for a waiver for the summer meal program for 2023.

Ivy then presented the Superintendent’s appraisal tool to the board and asked them to approve it for use for his upcoming evaluation.  The board voted 6-0 to approve the appraisal tool.  

Ivy then talked to the board about the need to look at making additions to the field house to add improved restroom facilities and a coach’s office.  He asked the board to approve a contract with Goodwin, Lasiter, Strong architects to work on the design for the project.  The board voted 6-0 to approve the contract.  

Peel presented a budget amendment to fund the purchase of the new buses, trailer and pickup truck as well as the architect fees. The board approved budget amendment #10 for $409,461. This was approved with a 6-0 vote. 

Ivy asked the board to confirm who would be attending upcoming board training events and the board set the January meeting for Jan. 23 at 6:30 p.m.  It was also noted that there would be a board appreciation dinner at 5:30 on the 23rd. 


The Cameron Herald

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